Welcome to the Lowman Connector!

Please email or text connector@lowmanidaho.com to request a message be sent to the list

Subscribers: 302

Join the Lowman Connector
  1. 24-05-14 11:05 Beginning Tues May 14 - Prescribed Fire in Clear Creek outside Lowman
  2. 24-05-17 15:41 Southfork Lodge summer hours!
  3. 24-05-18 15:58 Southfork Lodge summer hours!

Posting Guidelines

Thank you for being willing to share your message with Lowman. Your input is valuable and important!

Please keep your messages to the group:

a. Short:
The list is not intended to be a forum, soapbox, or advertising agency. For businesses, announcements regarding specials, sales, or events are allowed once a week. Candidates for public office should provide opponent's contact info so they can be invited to share other viewpoints.
b. Factual:
Is it opinion or fact? Can you provide sources or other justification? Is it free from dramatic, emphatic language? Please limit all-caps, red letters, underline, bold and exclamation points; proof read and spell check.
c. Essential:
Will most folks on the list want this information?
d. Complete:
Include who, what, where, when and why
e. Local:
Should be related to Lowman, Stanley or Garden Valley and of special interest to people who live/work part/full time in Lowman, or visit regularly
f. Limited to 4 posts/person per month

If your post doesn't meet these guidelines the editor will reply with a request for revision before distribution. The editor is a volunteer and may not be able to respond immediately to post requests. Please allow up to 3 business days. In the case it is time sensitive, call to 208-259-3344 and leave a message to please expidite your message.

The author's email will be set to recieve replies.

The messages are posted on lowmanidaho.com for a time and should be considered public. Please remove personal contact information.